Since Lorre is implemented as a plug-in for Praat you have to install the Praat software first. The most recent version of Praat can be downloaded from www.praat.org. The most recent version of Lorre can be downloaded from phonetics.lucdh.nl/lorre and/or phonetics.pacilly.nl/lorre (see below on this page).
Download and unpack the files and move them to the proper directories:
C:\Program Files\Praat\
, but actualy it may reside anywhere in your file system.
is either the /Applications
directory in the root or in your home directory, but again it may
be saved anywhere you prefer. Follow the instructions on the website regarding any security issues.
one time.
For Windows there is a so-called installer available from the website, which does al of the above for you.
© Jos Pacilly 20240321